Standalone AR headsets reached 84,800 units shipped in 2023, down 16.1% from the 101,061 units shipped in 2022. Similarly, total value declined 31.0% from $254.1 million in 2022 to arrive at $175.3 million. While most of the leading companies posted terrific triple-digit gains in unit shipments for the year, the companies in our "others" group realized a significant downturn of 94.0%. Tethered AR headsets reached 398,264 units shipped in 2023, up an amazing 124.5% from the 177,435 units shipped in 2022. Similarly, total value went from $87.7 million to $160.4 million, resulting in an 82.9% increase. Again, this is where some of the market leaders posted strong triple or quintuple-digit growth, but came from a much smaller or, in one case, nonexistent base in 2022.This IDC study presents the worldwide AR headset market shares by vendor for 2023."Having witnessed mostly flat growth in 2022, the worldwide augmented reality headset market took a giant step forward in 2023," pointed out Ramon T. Llamas, research director with IDC's Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality team. "Companies such as XREAL and Rokid demonstrated that there is an audience for AR glasses to consume gaming and multimedia content without spending thousands of dollars, and this will no doubt attract the attention of other companies seeking to do the same. Meanwhile, commercial solutions mostly reported lumpy results for the year, but nonetheless contributed to the market's growth."