This IDC Perspective assesses the capabilities of UiPath Task Mining. In 2020, UiPath introduced Task Mining and currently offers two experiences: Assisted Task Mining and Unassisted Task Mining that are designed for different use cases. Assisted Task Mining is designed for users to capture named tasks to learn, document, and produce statistics about each task and that task's variations across the group of users performing the same task. This can be used by a team working to automate their work, a business team working on citizen automation projects, and by a process mining team to request capturing a manual task as part of a larger process improvement effort. "Across the teams that adopt task mining, the features they need vary. UiPath's approach to delivering task mining experiences is aimed at aligning features with specific needs of each group," according to Maureen Fleming, program vice president in IDC's AI and Automation Research Practice. "For example, automation COEs need to process volumes of interaction data to rapidly identify automation opportunities, business teams need to understand whether the tasks they work on can be automated, and process mining teams want to understand why a task is causing inefficiency."