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PUBLISHER: Frost & Sullivan | PRODUCT CODE: 1630566

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PUBLISHER: Frost & Sullivan | PRODUCT CODE: 1630566

Software-defined Automation-Charting the Course for Next-generation Manufacturing

PAGES: 29 Pages
DELIVERY TIME: 1-2 business days
Web Access (Regional License)
USD 2450

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Industries are Shifting to Decentralized, Flexible, and Open Automation Architecture

Software-defined automation (SDA) represents a paradigm shift in industrial and manufacturing control systems that addresses traditional operational technology (OT) architectures' limitations. As proprietary, hardware-intensive automation systems reach the end of their life cycles, they increasingly hinder innovation, scalability, and adaptability in dynamic production environments. SDA emerges as a transformative solution, offering decentralized, flexible, and open automation architecture that aligns with modern manufacturing's evolving needs.

This new approach decouples hardware from software, enabling greater interoperability and vendor-agnostic implementations. By virtualizing control systems, SDA allows the deployment of soft PLCs or hardware-agnostic, software-based controllers that can run on any Windows or Linux server, industrial PC, or microcomputer. This virtualization strategy enables changes to machines and processes without pausing production; it also reduces downtime and costs.

SDA also facilitates the implementation of digital twin models, allowing manufacturers to design, optimize, test, and validate machine solutions in a virtual environment before real-world commissioning. This capability can significantly reduce errors, save time and money, and accelerate time-to-market by up to 50% and commissioning time by up to 60% compared to traditional approaches.

As industries move toward Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing, SDA will play a pivotal role in enabling the factory of the future. It supports the creation of highly automated, flexible production facilities that can swiftly respond to market changes and individual customer needs. The integration of technologies such as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML) within the SDA framework enables real-time data analytics, predictive maintenance, and optimized resource utilization.

This transition not only improves efficiency and reduces errors but also contributes to more sustainable manufacturing practices by optimizing material and energy use. SDA enhances organizational sustainability by consolidating computing and storage resources into a set of central services, reducing energy consumption and hardware requirements.

Furthermore, SDA addresses the growing need for IT/OT convergence in manufacturing environments. By adopting IT best practices such as DevOps and continuous integration in the OT space, SDA can significantly enhance the efficiency and agility of manufacturing processes while maintaining the critical focus on safety and reliability that is paramount in OT systems.

As the manufacturing sector faces challenges such as skill shortages and the need for rapid innovation, SDA offers a path forward. It simplifies complex automation landscapes, enables remote management and monitoring, and supports the development of a more skilled and engaged workforce familiar with modern, software-centric tools and environments.

Product Code: MH2C-32

Table of Contents

Strategic Imperatives

  • Why is it Increasingly Difficult to Grow?
  • The Strategic Imperative 8™
  • The Impact of the Top 3 Strategic Imperatives on the Software-defined Automation (SDA) Industry

Growth Opportunity Analysis

  • Scope of Analysis
  • SDA: Industry Overview
  • SDA: Key Applications
  • Key Customer Pain Points in Industrial Automation
  • SDA: Value Drivers
  • Growth Drivers
  • Growth Restraints

Growth Opportunity Universe

  • Growth Opportunity 1: Industrial Control-as-a-Service (ICaaS)
  • Growth Opportunity 2: Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI)
  • Growth Opportunity 3: Virtual PLCs (vPLCs)
  • Growth Opportunity 4: Remote Condition Monitoring and Remote PLC Access

Next Steps

  • Benefits and Impacts of Growth Opportunities
  • Action Items & Next Steps
  • List of Exhibits
  • Legal Disclaimer
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Jeroen Van Heghe

Manager - EMEA



Christine Sirois

Manager - Americas


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