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Automotive Technology Radar

PUBLISHED: annual subscription
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Auto2x launches the Automotive Technology Radar, a crucial tool to empower Corporate Strategy, Innovation, New Product Development, R&D and Engineering teams in their Discovery, strategic planning and execution.

Auto2x's Radar synthesises innovation metrics for incumbent and emerging technologies, business data and interviews with experts to identify technologies with the highest market potential and technological maturity that unlock new revenue pools, advance product development or help you innovate.

  • Innovation teams can use the Radar to build insightful technology roadmaps and understand what new functionality or new products they can bring from the evolution of technology;
  • Strategy teams can identify opportunities and prioritise them to allocate resources better and improve ROI.
  • Investment and Venture Capital teams (VC) can use the Radar to scout for attractive investment targets, for example, find start-ups operating in a segment with high potential (TAM, Growth) that aligns with their investment thesis.
  • Finally, the Radar also serves as an outside-in perspective to help shed light on your blind spots.

How does the Technology Radar work?

The basic principle is to develop a robust methodology that captures technological disruption and market movements and prioritise the identified items into Act, Prepare and Watch.

  • Act: these technologies or opportunities are your top priority to invest in or leverage to build new products or find partners to enter new markets.
  • Prepare: the action point here is to position yourself to take advantage of the upcoming development or emerging opportunity.
  • Watch: the time horizon for these innovations or items doesn't require immediate action.

Taxonomy: CASES and key technology clusters

Auto2x leverages a deep taxonomy of more than 1400 technologies in Automotive, which allows you to deep dive into your area of specialisation.

  • AI in Automotive: captures the impact of advancements in Computer Vision, NLP, Generative AI and other technologies on EVs, ADAS, etc.
  • Connected Cars: the digitalization of the vehicle interior services, connectivity (5G-6G), Human Machine Interface (HMI) & Software-Defined Vehicles (SDV);
  • Autonomous Driving for cars, trucks, motorbikes, shared mobility and other use cases.
  • New Business Models, such as data monetization, automated ride-hailing, electrified car-sharing, multi-modal transport
  • Electrified: Future of Powertrain, such as BEVs, PHEVs, HEVs, FC, clean ICE, EV charging, fuel cells, batteries, e-motors, and other
  • Circular Autos or Climate-Neutral Cars include sustainable materials, Circular Mobility, and sustainable manufacturing, among others.

Interested in learning more about the coverage?

  • Use the Taxonomy below to discover the segmentation of technology.
  • Do you want to find innovative companies behind these technologies? Follow the Taxonomy to see some listed players.

How to assess technologies in the Trend Radar Your

We score each technology across 3 Parameters:

  • 1. Market Potential to show how big the market is, how fast it's growing, what is the level of competition;
  • 2. Technological Maturity: Technology Readiness Level (TRL, e.g.
  • 3. Market Strategies

Discover innovative players behind emerging Technologies

Assess suppliers based on their:

  • Market Positioning: Market share, Revenues, Client base
  • Technological Readiness: Product portfolio, pipeline, innovation
  • Strategy: Key announcements, Product Launches, Partnerships, M&A.

Have a question?

Jeroen Van Heghe

Manager - EMEA



Christine Sirois

Manager - Americas


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