This report covers the overall market opportunity for the following enterprise wearable form factors: hand- and wrist-mounted computers/scanners, smart glasses and mixed reality/augmented reality solutions, and voice-enabled solutions.
Table of Contents
Report Exhibits
- Exhibit 1: Overall Market Size and Growth for Enterprise Wearable Solutions
- Exhibit 2: Global Wearables Market by Geographic Region
- Exhibit 3: Global Wearables Market by Sector
- Exhibit 4: Global Smart Glasses/Headset Market
- Exhibit 5: Global Smart Glasses/Headset Market
- Exhibit 6: Smart Glasses/Headset Revenue by Geography
- Exhibit 7: Smart Glasses/Headset Revenue by Sector
- Exhibit 8: Average Selling Price for Smart Glasses/Headsets
- Exhibit 9: Global Smart Badges and Clip-On's Revenue
- Exhibit 10: Smart Badges and Clip-On's Revenues by Geography
- Exhibit 11: Global Smart Badges and Clip-On's Market
- Exhibit 12: Wearable Voice Solution Revenues by Component
- Exhibit 13: Wearable Voice Solution Revenues by Sector
- Exhibit 14: Wearable Voice Solution Pricing (Hardware & Software)
- Exhibit 15: Hand- & Forearm-Mounted Computer Spending
- Exhibit 16: Hand- & Forearm-Mounted Computers by Product Type
- Exhibit 17: Hand- & Forearm-Mounted Computers by Product Type
- Exhibit 18: Hand- & Forearm-Mounted Computers Pricing
- Exhibit 19: Hand- & Forearm-Mounted Computers by Geography
- Exhibit 20: Hand- & Forearm-Mounted Computers by Sector
- Exhibit 21: Ring/glove scanners by Geography
- Exhibit 22: Ring/glove scanners by Sector