PUBLISHER: PracTel, Inc. | PRODUCT CODE: 1282238
PUBLISHER: PracTel, Inc. | PRODUCT CODE: 1282238
The rapid development of Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications requires plenty of the frequency spectra.
This report addresses features and properties of Sub-1GHz communication, and its applications for IoT/M2M. The report is updated and revised issue of a Practel's report on this subject issued previously.
The Sub-1GHz unlicensed industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) bands of 315, 433, 800 and 902 to 928 MHz represent a great solution for some uses. Based on pure physics, these lower frequencies naturally deliver more distance than higher frequencies for a given power level, receiver sensitivity, and antenna gain.
The following Sub-1GHz technologies, related markets, standards and applications have been addressed to show their value in the IoT/M2M development: