PUBLISHER: Guidehouse Insights | PRODUCT CODE: 1249912
PUBLISHER: Guidehouse Insights | PRODUCT CODE: 1249912
Low carbon hydrogen production technology has improved in the past decade, moving from precommercial or low volume phases to commercial viability at a significant scale. Traditional large hydrogen industry players have invested in numerous projects worldwide, with several already completed and many more still in the development pipeline.
Despite this enthusiastic rollout, considerable uncertainty remains related to price competition with existing grey hydrogen and the potential to expand to non-traditional demand sectors such as transportation, industrial heating, and power generation. Policy support can help reduce cost barriers, facilitate infrastructure development, and accelerate the development and commercialization of critical enabling technologies. As such, policies like the Inflation Reduction Act in the US and the REPowerEU plan in the European Union will play a strong role in facilitating the transition to low carbon hydrogen.
This Guidehouse Insights Strategy Insight report covers the current state of hydrogen supply and demand; how policymakers are reacting to changes in the hydrogen industry; and additional related topics, including analogous commodities that can serve as indicators of the future of low carbon hydrogen, barriers to trade development, and financing options.
The Hydrogen Trade Today
Hydrogen Demand
Feedstock Demand for Hydrogen Will Grow with Increased Fossil Feedstock Restrictions
Fuel Demand for Hydrogen Will be Dominated by Transportation, at Least Initially
Hydrogen Supply
Blue Hydrogen Production
Green Hydrogen Production
Hydrogen Infrastructure
Policies Affecting the Hydrogen Trade
The EU Is a Pioneer in Hydrogen Policy Development
US Legislation Will Support the Hydrogen Industry for a Decade or More
Gulf Countries Are Leveraging Their Supply Capabilities
Asia Pacific and South America Are Behind but Catching Up
Implications for the Hydrogen Trade
International Trade Paves New Routes across the Globe
Preferred Mode of Hydrogen Transport Depends on Distances
Using the LNG Market as a Reference for Hydrogen Markets Is Risky
Deeper Dive into the Hydrogen Trade
Acquiring Financial Backing for Clean Hydrogen Projects
To Lead or to Follow? Hydrogen Uncertainties Are What You Make of Them
Case Study: A Successful Hydrogen Collaboration Project
Hydrogen and LNG Market Characteristics
Cost of Hydrogen Transport by Various Modes