PUBLISHER: Molfar Limited | PRODUCT CODE: 1637628
PUBLISHER: Molfar Limited | PRODUCT CODE: 1637628
The continued increase in global biofuel use relies on two key factors: the rising demand for transport fuel and the sustained support from public policies. Overall, biofuels are expected to remain important renewable alternatives to fossil fuels.
Liquid biofuels are fuels derived from organic materials such as plants or waste and can serve as an alternative to fossil fuels in transportation, power generation, and heat. These biofuels are produced using various techniques such as fermentation and transesterification. The most commonly used biofuels include ethanol and biodiesel. Ethanol is typically derived from crops such as corn or sugarcane with high sugar content, while biodiesel is often produced from crops, vegetable oils, and animal fats.
The global liquid biofuel market size was valued at $148.5b in 2023 and is projected to grow to $316.71b by 2032, exhibiting a CAGR of 8.86% during the forecast period.
Based on type, the market is segmented into ethanol and biodiesel. The ethanol segment is projected to lead the liquid biofuel industry. It has been discovered that ethanol can be utilized as a green alternative to fossil fuels and can be blended with gasoline to power vehicles without engine modifications. Therefore, ethanol can be used as a cleaner and more sustainable fuel source, reducing the environmental impact of transportation.
Market overview
Market drivers and restraints
Competitive Landscape
Market Segmentation
Supply Chain Analysis
Future Trends and Projections
Regulation Environment
Sustainability and Innovation
Market overview
Market drivers and restraints
Competitive Landscape
Market Segmentation
Supply Chain Analysis
Future Trends and Projections
Regulation Environment
Sustainability and Innovation
Market overview
Market drivers and restraints
Competitive Landscape
Market Segmentation
Supply Chain Analysis
Future Trends and Projections
Regulation Environment
Sustainability and Innovation
Market overview
Market drivers and restraints
Competitive Landscape
Market Segmentation
Supply Chain Analysis
Future Trends and Projections
Regulation Environment
Sustainability and Innovation
Market overview
Market drivers and restraints
Competitive Landscape
Market Segmentation
Supply Chain Analysis
Future Trends and Projections
Regulation Environment
Sustainability and Innovation
Market overview
Market drivers and restraints
Competitive Landscape
Market Segmentation
Supply Chain Analysis
Future Trends and Projections
Regulation Environment
Sustainability and Innovation
Market overview
Market drivers and restraints
Competitive Landscape
Market Segmentation
Supply Chain Analysis
Future Trends and Projections
Regulation Environment
Sustainability and Innovation
Switchgrass and Miscanthus
Market overview
Market drivers and restraints
Competitive Landscape
Market Segmentation
Supply Chain Analysis
Future Trends and Projections
Regulation Environment
Sustainability and Innovation
Biofuel production ranking and major feedstock in 2021-2023
Sugarcane competitive landscape
World trade of sugarcane
Canola competitive landscape
Soybean competitive landscape
Corn competitive landscape
Sunflower competitive landscape
Algae competitive landscape
Total Algae market by application
Sorghum competitive landscape
Utilization of sorghum in major growing countries
Switchgrass and Miscanthus competitive landscape
Global liquid biofuel market
World biofuel projections
Regional contribution of growth in biofuel consumption from 2024 to 2033
The top 10 countries by Sugarcane production volume
Global Sugarcane Market and share of Biofuel from sugar crops in it
Sugarcane Market segmentation by regions
Sugarcane export by countries
Canola dynamics of global export and import
List of importing markets for low erucic acid rape or colza seeds exported by Canada
List of importing markets for low erucic acid rape or colza seeds exported by Australia
List of importing markets for low erucic acid rape or colza seeds exported by Ukraine
Low erucic acid rape or colza seeds exported by the top 10 countries
Low erucic acid rape or colza seeds export structure by countries and regions
Low erucic acid rape or colza seeds imported by the top 10 countries
Low erucic acid rape or colza seeds import structure by countries and regions
The key elements of a canola supply chain
Canola supply chain
Soybean supply chain
Export of soybeans
Sybeans' total world area harvested
Production of biodiesel
Corn export by top countries
Top corn export countries by production volume
Corn end-users
Corn market value
Maize Global Value Chain
Corn market size forecast
Corn supply assurance
Sunflower seeds production 2023/2024
TOP 10 countries by the Sunflower export volume
TOP 10 countries by the Sunflower export volume
TOP 5 countries by the Sunflower oil export volume in $
TOP 5 countries by the Sunflower oil export volume in tonnes
Sunflower market segmentation
Global Algae market and share Biofuel from Algae
Top 10 countries by export of algae not suitable for human food
Supply Chain Analysis
Sorghum export
Production share of sorghum by region
The world production and area harvested for sorghum
Sorghum supply chain
Agricultural area used for bioenergy crops in the United Kingdom, by crop type
Total cultivation area of miscanthus in England
Usage of miscanthus in power stations in the United Kingdom
Switchgrass-based bioethanol supply chain structure