PUBLISHER: Mellalta Meets LLP | PRODUCT CODE: 1634536
PUBLISHER: Mellalta Meets LLP | PRODUCT CODE: 1634536
Melanoma develops when melanocytes, which are in charge of producing pigment, proliferate unchecked. 90% of melanoma cases are cutaneous melanoma (CM), which is primarily brought on by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light. Mucosal melanomas are extremely rare, making up only 1% of all melanomas. The head and neck, anorectal, and vulvovaginal regions, respectively, account for 55, 24, and 18% of all cases of mucosal melanomas. Early detection offers the best chance of survival, despite the fact that it is frequently difficult due to anatomic location. The primary therapeutic approach will still be surgery if complete resection is technically feasible given the anatomic location.
Melanoma develops as a result of unchecked melanocyte proliferation, which is responsible for pigment production. Cutaneous melanoma (CM), which is primarily caused by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light, accounts for 90% of all cases of melanoma. Both mucosal and uveal melanomas are non-cutaneous subtypes of melanomas (MM). MM, a rare form of melanoma, can develop on the mucosal surfaces of cavities in the body, including the oral, nasal, anorectal, genitourinary, and vulvovaginal regions. Despite making up only about 1% of all cases of melanoma, MM is one of the more aggressive subtypes and has a worse prognosis than the more common CM. When all stages are considered at the time of diagnosis, MM has a 5-year survival rate of 10 to 20%, compared to CM's 93%.
Mucosal melanoma (Epidemiology)
Mucosal melanomas are extremely uncommon, accounting for only 1% of all melanomas. Mucosal melanomas commonly develop in the head and neck, anorectal, and vulvovaginal regions, accounting for 55, 24, and 18% of cases, respectively. Less common sites of origin include the urethra, gallbladder, and small intestine. In contrast to cutaneous melanoma, exposure to UV light does not seem to be a risk factor. Divergent molecular traits also suggest different genetic origins, such as a lower incidence of BRAF oncogene mutations compared to a higher incidence of KIT oncogene mutations. Regardless of the stage at diagnosis, mucosal melanomas typically present at a later stage, are more aggressive, and have a worse prognosis.
Mucosal melanoma-Current Market Size & Forecast Trends
The market for mucosal melanoma is projected to grow significantly, with estimates indicating a current value of approximately USD 1.2 billion in 2022 and a forecast to reach around USD 2.5 billion by 2035, reflecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of about 7.5%. This growth is driven by the increasing incidence of mucosal melanoma, which accounts for about 1% of all melanoma cases, and advancements in treatment options, including immunotherapies and targeted therapies. Mucosal melanoma is characterized by its aggressive nature and often late diagnosis due to its hidden location, leading to a need for effective treatment strategies. The market's expansion will also be supported by ongoing research efforts aimed at improving understanding and management of this rare cancer type. As awareness increases and new therapies are developed, the mucosal melanoma market is well-positioned for substantial growth through 2035.
Early detection offers the best chance of survival, despite the anatomic location making it frequently difficult. The primary therapeutic approach will still be surgery if complete resection is technically feasible given the anatomic location. Despite the fact that the majority of studies have not been able to demonstrate an improvement in overall survival, radiotherapy may be used to achieve local control when resection is not an option or adjuvant to improve locoregional control. Treatment plans are frequently extrapolated from research on therapies for advanced cutaneous melanoma, as the best systemic therapy is not standardized. Clinical trials are investigating new therapeutic modalities, particularly using more recent targeted therapies and immunotherapies.
Report Highlights
Mucosal melanoma- Current Market Trends
Mucosal melanoma- Current & Forecasted Cases across the G8 Countries
Mucosal melanoma- Market Opportunities and Sales Potential for Agents
Mucosal melanoma- Patient-based Market Forecast to 2035
Mucosal melanoma- Untapped Business Opportunities
Mucosal melanoma- Product Positioning Vis-a-vis Competitors' Products
Mucosal melanoma- KOLs Insight