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Investing in Gigabit Networks in Africa: Investments Are Still Needed to Boost Gigabit Networks in Africa

PAGES: 50 Pages
DELIVERY TIME: 1-2 business days
Web Access - PPT (Group License/All Users)
USD 5296.50

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Africa is the next frontier for growth in technology and the digital economy. But to fully realise its potential, investment in gigabit networks is paramount to bridge the existing digital infrastructure gap.

The key objectives of this report include the following areas of investigation:

    • Explore the gigabit network value chain and current market trends in the African gigabit market, examining both opportunities and challenges.
    • Identify investment gaps to meet the African Union's universal access targets, while shedding light on the key investors driving digital infrastructure development in Africa.
    • Provide an in-depth analysis of gigabit network development in five selected African countries, covering the entire value chain.
    • Provide a forecast of Africa's mobile and fixed broadband subscribers and revenue trends.
Product Code: M00108

Table of Contents

1. Executive summary

2. State of the African gigabit network landscape

  • 2.1. Africa's current state of the digital economy
  • 2.2. Gigabit network value chain
  • 2.3. African Union connectivity goal
  • 2.4. Investment opportunities in Africa's telecoms sector
  • 2.5. Key challenges in the African telecoms infrastructure market

3. Goals and major investments of the African governments

  • 3.1. Africa's broadband infrastructure investment gap
  • 3.2. Major investment bodies
  • 3.3. Investment status across the gigabit network value chain

4. Focus on six African countries

  • 4.1. Botswana
    • Botswana's mobile connectivity landscape
    • Botswana's fixed broadband landscape
    • Goals of the Botswana government
    • Major investments across the giga network value chain
  • 4.2. Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
    • DRC's mobile connectivity landscape
    • DRC's fixed broadband landscape
    • The DRC government goal and project
    • Major investments across the giga network value chain
  • 4.3. Egypt
    • Egypt's mobile connectivity landscape
    • Egypt's fixed broadband landscape
    • Goals of the Egypt government
    • Major investments across the giga network value chain
  • 4.4. Morocco
    • Morocco's mobile connectivity landscape
    • Morocco's fixed broadband landscape
    • Goals of the Morocco government
    • Major investments across the giga network value chain
  • 4.5. Sierra Leone
    • Sierra Leone's mobile connectivity landscape
    • Sierra Leone's fixed broadband landscape
    • Goals of the Sierra Leone government
    • Major investments across the giga network value chain

5. Market size forecast

  • 5.1. African mobile market forecasts
  • 5.2. African fixed broadband market forecasts
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Jeroen Van Heghe

Manager - EMEA



Christine Sirois

Manager - Americas


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