This IDC PeerScape focuses on top modernization practices that organizations are adopting to help close talent or skills gaps that would otherwise hold the organization back."Modernization practices improve efficiency and productivity for existing staff and help propel the organization forward," says David Weldon, adjunct research advisor for IDC's IT Executive Programs (IEP). "The practices have clear and measurable ROI in terms of labor advantages and help drive competitive advantage."
IDC PeerScape Figure
Executive Summary
Peer Insights
- Practice 1: Assess Where Current Gaps Are in the Most Needed Job Roles and Skills and How These Will Likely Change
- Challenge
- Examples
- NortheastCIOs
- State of Vermont
- UK HealthCare
- Aeteck Inc.
- Guidance
- Practice 2: Evaluate How the Execution of Business Strategy Is Impacted by Each Job Role or Lack of Someone in It
- Challenge
- Examples
- NortheastCIOs
- State of Vermont
- UK HealthCare
- Aeteck Inc.
- Guidance
- Practice 3: Determine Which Business Tasks Will Most Likely Offer Measurable Recruiting and Training ROI from Modernization Efforts
- Challenge
- Examples
- NortheastCIOs
- UK HealthCare
- Aeteck Inc.
- Guidance
- Practice 4: Ensure That Modernization Efforts Make It Easier and More Rewarding to Perform Key Job Roles
- Challenge
- Examples
- State of Vermont
- UK HealthCare
- Aeteck Inc.
- Guidance