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PUBLISHER: GlobalData | PRODUCT CODE: 1663790

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PUBLISHER: GlobalData | PRODUCT CODE: 1663790

Africa Energy Transition - Sectors and Companies Driving Development

PAGES: 32 Pages
DELIVERY TIME: 1-2 business days
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Despite fossil fuels remaining integral to Africa's economy, the region's energy transition is seeing an increase in momentum as countries capitalise on their renewable energy potential and the falling levelized cost of producing renewable energy. While many countries are advancing green initiatives, greater collaborative efforts are needed to support the alleviation of energy poverty in countries without the economic means to invest in clean energy sources. Technologies such as solar, wind, energy storage, EVs, SAFs, CCUS, and hydrogen will play a crucial role in allowing Africa to reach its climate targets.

Fossil fuels remain the primary power source in Africa and are forecasted to account for 69% of Africa's total power capacity in 2025. By 2035, renewables will contribute to a larger share in the power mix, with a forecasted share of 45% of total power capacity.

The growth of the region's battery energy storage capacity will continue to lag behind global growth rates, as African countries alongside financial institutions such as the World Bank, prioritise improving electricity access through the expansion of grid infrastructure over deploying energy storage solutions in conjunction with renewable energy projects.

Despite numerous African countries either outright banning the import of internal combustion vehicles or increasing import tariffs, the EV market in Africa is still experiencing slow adoption rates, despite signs of growth on the production side.

While Africa is a minor player globally, there has been a notable increase in renewable refinery projects in the region, with a particular focus on the production of sustainable aviation fuel.

CCUS remains a nascent technology in Africa, however, there is a burgeoning interest in the sector, with 6 projects set to come online between 2025 and 2030.

Africa's low-carbon hydrogen capacity is set to grow significantly, chiefly driven by 15 megaprojects, which account for 75% of the region's total hydrogen capacity - of which 12 are in the feasibility stage of development.

Key Highlights

  • Fossil fuels are forecasted to account for 69% of Africa's total power capacity in 2025.
  • By 2035, renewable energy will contribute to 45% of total power capacity, as countries within Africa advance respective green initiatives.
  • In 2024, hydro-pumped storage accounted for 61% of Africa's total energy storage capacity, highlighting the current dominance of hydropower in the region. However, the region's battery energy storage capacity is forecasted to reach approximately 3.4GW.
  • Africa has emerged as a potential leader in green hydrogen production, with a capacity of 19.5mtpa to date from active and announced projects. The region accounts for 29% of global feasibility projects, highlighting the high volume of project announcements but also how nascent the hydrogen market in Africa is.


  • Africa climate targets, Africa CO2 emissions, Africa renewable energy potential, African leaders in renewable energy and energy storage, Africa renewable energy policies, Africa power consumption and demand, renewable power capacity and generation, decommissioning of thermal power, energy storage capacity, electric vehicle production, EV population data, African upcoming renewable refineries, CCUS outlook, African upcoming CC storage projects, hydrogen policies, African upcoming hydrogen policies, hydrogen capacity by stage and type.

Reasons to Buy

  • Assess the current regional emissions, fossil fuel capacity and generation and which countries' have, and are acting on, net zero targets
  • Assess the renewable energy potential of Africa and identify market trends within the renewable energy industry
  • Look at the demand and consumption of power in key application areas for the region
  • Assess who the largest regional players are in renewable energy and energy storage
  • Develop market insight of the major technologies currently in use and proposed for the decarbonisation of the region's industries, as well as the policy framework laid out by the region's governments to accelerate their development and increase their adoption.
Product Code: GDUKOG144940

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • Executive Summary
  • Africa Climate Targets
  • Africa's CO2 Emissions
  • Sector Grid and Africa Leaders
  • Power Outlook & Generation
  • Renewable energy potential
  • Africa's power demand
  • Power capacity share outlook
  • Power generation share outlook
  • African countries' renewable generation share
  • Thermal power: decommissioning and emissions
  • Major players in renewable power
  • Africa renewable energy policies
  • Energy Storage
  • Africa's energy storage outlook
  • Policy outlook and key countries in energy storage
  • Major players in battery energy storage
  • Electric Vehicles
  • Key EV policies
  • Africa's EV market outlook Content
  • Renewable Fuels
  • Africa's upcoming renewable refineries


  • CCUS outlook in Africa
  • Hydrogen
  • Global and Africa hydrogen capacity by stage and type
  • Regional breakdown of hydrogen capacity
  • Africa's largest upcoming hydrogen projects
  • Hydrogen policies and initiatives
Product Code: GDUKOG144940

List of Tables

  • Sector grid and Africa Leaders
  • Solar EPC Providers
  • Solar Equipment Manufacturers
  • Wind EPC Providers
  • Wind Equipment Manufacturers
  • Renewable Energy Policies
  • The largest upcoming battery energy storage projects in Africa as of January 2025
  • Energy Storage EPC Providers
  • Energy Storage Technology Provider
  • Key policies concerning EVs
  • Africa's upcoming renewable refineries
  • CCUS outlook in Africa
  • Africa's largest upcoming hydrogen projects

List of Figures

  • Africa Net Zero Targets
  • CO2 emissions by top contributors (2000-2023)
  • Top 5 emitting countries in Africa (2000-2023)
  • Solar Resources
  • Wind Speed @100m
  • Top 10 African countries for power consumption and demand (2024-2035)
  • Power consumption and demand by sector in Africa (2024-2035)
  • Africa power capacity share (2018-2035)
  • Africa total power capacity share by technology type (2025)
  • Africa total power capacity share by technology type (2035)
  • Africa power generation share (2018-2035)
  • Africa renewable energy generation (2018-2035)
  • Renewable generation share of 10 largest economies in Africa (2025-2035)
  • Upcoming and decommissioning thermal capacity (2025-2035)
  • Africa emissions by thermal power (2013-2023)
  • Major regional players in solar capacity based on active and announced projects
  • Major regional players in wind capacity based on active and announced projects
  • Global vs Africa battery energy storage capacity (2018-2030)
  • Africa energy storage capacity by technology (2018-2030)
  • African countries with rated power capacity (2018-2030)
  • African operational and pipeline rated storage capacity for top 5 countries
  • Major regional players in energy storage rated power capacity based on active and announced projects
  • Number of EVs produced in Africa by country (2024-2030)
  • Number of EVs in vehicle population in South Africa by type (2021-2029)
  • Africa vs global low-carbon hydrogen capacity by development stage - based on active and announced projects
  • Africa's hydrogen projects by development stage (2024-2030)
  • Africa low-carbon hydrogen capacity by type (2024-2030)
  • Top 10 African countries' maximum green and blue hydrogen capacity (2030)
  • Top 5 countries in Africa by hydrogen production capacity (2022-2030)
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Jeroen Van Heghe

Manager - EMEA



Christine Sirois

Manager - Americas


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