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PUBLISHER: Analysys Mason | PRODUCT CODE: 1423865

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PUBLISHER: Analysys Mason | PRODUCT CODE: 1423865

Testing Cloud-Native Networks: Strategies for Communications Service Providers

PAGES: 16 Slides
DELIVERY TIME: 1-2 business days
PPTX and PDF (5 Users License)
USD 7999

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"CSPs need to be able to do software testing much more rapidly to benefit from the agility promised by cloud-native technologies."

This report analyses how communications service providers (CSPs) will have to adapt their network testing strategies as they move from traditional virtualised networks to cloud-native networks.

The report explores the additional challenges associated with testing cloud-native networks and the subsequent modifications that must be made to both the pre-deployment and post-deployment testing of network functions (NFs) and well as underlying cloud infrastructure. It also provides recommendations to CSPs that are designing their testing strategy and explains the role that NF vendors, cloud platform providers and telecoms testing solution vendors will play in this strategy.

This report is based on several sources:

  • Analysys Mason's desk research as well as internal research on the cloud-native transformation of CSPs' networks
  • interviews with stakeholders at CSPs that have implemented cloud-native networks
  • interviews with subject-matter experts at network function vendors and cloud platform providers that are helping CSPs to build and test cloud-native networks
  • interviews with subject-matter experts at telecoms testing solution vendors.

Key questions answered in this report:

  • What challenges does the cloud-native transformation of CSPs' networks bring in relation to network testing?
  • How should CSPs approach testing for cloud-native networks and how does this differ from the approaches used for testing non-cloud-native networks?
  • How should CSPs work with network function vendors, cloud platform providers and testing solution providers to develop their cloud-native network testing strategy?

Who should read this report:

  • Individuals within CSPs that have influence over a CSP's network testing strategy and that need to understand how network testing must evolve to meet the challenges associated with cloud-native networks.
  • Individuals within CSPs with influence over a CSP's cloud-native transformation strategy and that need to understand how to eliminate bottlenecks in their cloud-native transformation journey.
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Jeroen Van Heghe

Manager - EMEA



Christine Sirois

Manager - Americas


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