PUBLISHER: TeleGeography | PRODUCT CODE: 1360513
PUBLISHER: TeleGeography | PRODUCT CODE: 1360513
Please contact us using the inquiry form for pricing information.
The first database of global local access prices, with real prices paid by carriers for leased private lines and Ethernet circuits.
This database includes a searchable database of over 500,000 transactional prices for local access circuits, from 2012 to the present.
All prices are converted from local currency to USD for comparison across geographies. Users can query individual transactions directly, or view aggregate statistical summary rates. Charting tools allow for trend analysis over time and comparison across distance bands. All database queries may be exported and downloaded locally for further analysis.
Local access pricing data are also available in downloadable Excel workbooks. Workbooks contain the most recent six months of data and provide predefined comparisons and analysis and charting tools:
Pricing data cover several hundred cities in over 100 countries.
TeleGeography's data encompass a wide range of leased line and Ethernet circuits, including very low and high capacity circuits, where available.
Subscribers receive our semi-annual Local Access Pricing Report, which analyzes and compares trends in local access service pricing, competition, and purchasing patterns.
We asked carriers to provide us with the prices they paid for local access to connect B-end buildings to their PoPs. Participants store these data in various forms; we normalize the data to cross-compare.
Please contact us using the inquiry form for pricing information.