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PUBLISHER: Information Trends, LLC | PRODUCT CODE: 1638128

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PUBLISHER: Information Trends, LLC | PRODUCT CODE: 1638128

Global Hydrogen Stations Database

PUBLISHED: 4 issues / year
Annual Subscription/4 Excel Spreadsheets (Single-User License)
USD 1900
Annual Subscription/4 Excel Spreadsheets (Five-User License)
USD 2850
Annual Subscription/4 Excel Spreadsheets (Global License)
USD 3800

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This Excel-based database contains a complete list of hydrogen stations deployed globally and describes many of their attributes. The database, which is updated constantly, is provided in an Excel format.

Information Trends believes that this is the most comprehensive database in the industry. The database is very thorough, but by no means complete. We have diligently worked to gather detailed and accurate data and are continuously working to fill in the gaps.

The database contains the location of the stations, their opening date, the fueling pressure, the daily fueling capacity, the storage capacity, and the vehicle types supported. In addition, the database provides information on whether the stations produce hydrogen onsite or whether the hydrogen is shipped, and on whether the hydrogen is stored in liquid or gaseous form. We also have the names of suppliers and operators of the hydrogen stations.

Close to 14 hundred hydrogen fueling stations were deployed globally by year-end 2024. These stations are listed in a database available from Information Trends on a subscription basis.

"We have the most comprehensive hydrogen stations database in the world," said Anoushia Wajid, the lead Information Trends analyst tracking hydrogen station deployments. The database lists the locations of all the hydrogen stations that have been deployed worldwide.

The hydrogen station deployments are the harbinger of the upcoming hydrogen economy, Ms. Wajid said. They are helping spur the adoption of hydrogen fuel cell buses, trucks, and light-duty vehicles.

The database contains a complete list of hydrogen stations deployed globally and describes many of their attributes. Updated constantly, the database is very thorough. Information Trends analysts have diligently worked to gather detailed and accurate data and are continuously working to fill in the gaps.

Ms. Wajid said that hydrogen stations are constantly being deployed all over the world. "We proactively add any new information as soon as it becomes available." Each time someone accesses the database, they get the latest deployment data. The database is available on a standalone basis or as part of an annual subscription.

According to the database, the hydrogen stations are deployed in over 50 countries. In the Asia-Pacific region, over a dozen countries have deployed hydrogen stations. Three countries in Asia-Pacific - China, Japan, and Korea - have been the most aggressive in deploying hydrogen stations. More than half of Asia-Pacific deployments are in China.

Over 30 countries in Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) have deployed hydrogen stations. The region has over 400 hydrogen stations deployed.

Germany and France lead Europe in deployments. Germany is the only European country with more than a hundred hydrogen stations.

The Americas are lagging behind the rest of the world in deployments. Leading the region is the United States with close to a hundred hydrogen stations. Latin America has roughly 20 stations.

Have a question?

Jeroen Van Heghe

Manager - EMEA



Christine Sirois

Manager - Americas


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